Whether you are a garden enthusiast or just do a lot of work around the outside of your house, you can find trouble with long hoses. A hose can be trashed and destroyed, and a more permanent solution—that of an outdoor sink—can be a costly addition. Houselogic explains the cost breakdowns, and the upsides, to having portable outdoor sinks.
- Maintenance and Continuing Costs. A portable sink negates the larger overhead cost compared to a permanent outdoor sink or even frequent replacements to your hose or other water-distribution system. With a portable sink maintenance costs are drastically reduced as they are made out of durable plastics that don’t easily stain, discolor, or require a great deal of extra cleaning. More than that you also don’t run the risk of weather exposure to piping that often results in water repair bills because of temperature changes. Between the choice of permanent sinks or portable outdoor sinks comparing cost alone leads in a portable sinks favor.
- Portability. Another important factor to remember when deciding whether you want to add a permanent fixture to your yard is if you need that fixture to literally be permanent, or do you need it to move? Gardeners, car enthusiasts, and even crafters can utilize a less fixed sink when working outdoors. While a hose might offer some respite, and some uses, sometimes a good old sink with running water, and a basin, work better.
- Drainage. The biggest difference and deciding factor is how wastewater is dealt with. While in some cases people can view this negatively towards portable sinks, the fact is that working with portable outdoor sinks is still overall more effective. The cost in setting up a permanent sink and tying it into the water line, and then the sewer line, immediately negates any community rules in regards to wastewater from your portable sink which is caught in a small basin below the sink itself.
Portable sinks are by far the most cost effective use of a gardener or outdoor workers’ time and money. You don’t even have to settle for something as simple as plastic either – although the more expensive sinks are meant to be a more steady fixture – it still leaves the overall costs much more effective. Plus, the lack of ongoing necessary maintenance, or even maintenance concerns, is a mark in their favor.
MONSAM Enterprises offers both ADA and FDA regulated and approved surfaces with their portable sinks. Not only are they highly trusted, but they are highly rated when it comes to delivering, or renting, for your portable watering needs.